Wednesday 29 November 2023

Tuesday 28th November 2023

It is odd, that two countries with so much shared history over the centuries, should be so different in the 21st century.

We speak different languages, ones is a Monarchy while the other is a proud Republic, we drive on different sides of the road, our grasp of each other's languages is basic to say the least, even those who live in sight of the other country. Towns and villages look different, as do main roads.

I asked the question of a colleague, is France happy again. I mean after the riots.

No, not happy. The people were given a vote and the Government ignored it. Seems like there could be unfinished business.

Anyway, I like France. I like the country, the food, wine, beer and even the people. I have gotten over the bad experience my family had in Paris with one rude waiter, and I enjoy visits there now.

Three hundred and thirty two Anyway, where were we?


I woke at six after a good night's sleep, and yet laid in bed another half an hour or more. Outside the car park that had been almost empty on Sunday night, now barely has any spaces, but it has been quiet in the evenings and at night.

But as I failed to have dinner the night before, I was hungry and thirsty, so got dressed and went over to the reception building for breakfast. Fruit, fresh crispy bread, cakes, bacon and eggs, and coffee. Dark, strong coffee.

WTG I fill my boots, and am happy twenty minutes later after two rolls and two cups of coffee.

Back to my room, grab my bag and set off for the office to meet my guide for the day. Or for the morning. A slightly later start meant that it was half light on the journey, making it a lot less stressful.

Lost in France At the office, it became clear that my French being almost non-existent and my guide's English just as bad, meant that after a long slow conversation through Google Translate, we agreed to bin the audit at the service site.

I have to audit against something, and if I can't understand the work instructions or ask questions of my guide or the technicians, well, what's the point?

Esquennoy Exactly.

So, how to kill four hours before the next audit at half one?

I would find ways.

I decide to drive the half hour to where the next audit was to take place, then have a wander around and see if I could find something to do.

After a short blast up the motorway, I turn off and through a large village, I come to a long straight road lined with trees. The sun had just broken through and the light was low but very golden.

Le click & collect There was a parking space, so I pull in and take shots, and take the scene in.

I check mails and reply to those I can, and make calls.

Half an hour killed.

I found the construction site, though a small picturesque village dominated by a fine church, but drive on to the next village, Bonneuil-les-Eaux, looking for a supermarket to finish my shopping for the trip.

Shopping I go to a mid-sized store, buy two packs of beers, some cheese, cookies and some cider for Jools, pay and find I still have three hours.

I do to McDonalnds up the road for a coffee and a small cake, which makes another half an hour pass buy, then drive to the village near the construction site, Esquennoy.

Esquennoy I park beside the main road and walk to the church, taking shots as I go, but sadly the church is locked, and so notices when it might be open, not that I would have been able to read them!

Esquennoy Back to the car, and in a few minutes I get a call saying that the audit can start when I was ready.

Great news.

So, I drive to the collection of cabins, where in the largest I find the management, and the only espresso machine I have ever seen on one of our construction sites.

Esquennoy Good coffee is non-negotiable, apparently.

A was done by half four, just time to say goodbye and drive back to the hotel before darkness fell. I was glad to get back in one piece with no damage done to me or the car.

I had two hours to kill before the reservation I made for the Belgian place next door to the hotel. So, listened to radio, watched videos and drink (poor) tea.

At seven I walked to the Belgian place and thought I ordered spicy burger. But when it came it was a lightly battered patty, of what may have been tuna.

It wasn't bad, but no beef burger.

But the La Chouffe was good. As was the Crème Brulee I had for dessert, and the two strong coffees.

I sat up to follow Norwich at Watford, and all went well at first, with City 2-0 up in twelve minutes, but things soon went badly, and no surprise that we lost 3-2.

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