Thursday 23 November 2023

Wednesday 22nd November 2023

The start of a four day birthday celebration for Jools.

Though we would be working normally each day, sadly.

I have an urgent audit to write the agenda and get approved, which will take my time for most of the week, other than that, just more of the same.

The winter months mean that the sun rises further south each day until the December solstice, then rises ever more eastward. What this means is that most mornings, out the back of the house, we have nature's firework display, sometime more impressive than others.

Sunup As I have learned how to do panos, here is one of Wednesday morning from the back door.

Jools heads to work and I knuckle down to more furious keyboard tip-tapping.

It is a cool, but sunny day outside, I should go out, but I have work to do.

The cats sleep, though Mulder does demand attention and/or food at lunchtime. Maybe its because I am eating he thinks he should too.

I have done my draft by the end of the day, and I decide I really should go out for a walk. I faff around getting the phone ready, it ear pods, put my coat and shoes on, and all ready to go in half an hour.

Three hundred and twenty six Or something.

After one of the wettest Octobers on record, and November little better, most paths and tracks off the paved roads are pretty much impassable due to mud and standing water.

I did venture down to the end of the street and along the lane before turning up to Collingwood instead of going across the fields.

I do a small detour to photograph the heliotropes at the end of Collingwood, none in flower yet, but lots of fresh leaves.

Then just up and down Nelson Park, Hardy and Collingwood before getting home at sunset.

Jools's birthday meal was to be on Wednesday: steak, chips, corn and mushrooms. The steak I got out of the freezer the night before, seasoned and lightly oiled it in the afternoon. The rest would take barely half an hour to prep.

At five I leap into action, and put the corn on to steam at half past, as I thought Jools was going shopping.

She didn't, and was home at twenty too, but that gave us time to talk before I cook the steak, and all is ready at six.

I did oven chips again, but I know I will have to get to grips with the air fryer at some point.

Just not tonight.

The meal was excellent, perfectly seasoned. And for me, washed down by the last of the President's XV.

We just had time to tidy up before we had to be out, going with Bev and Steve to the Lighthouse for the quiz.

And for once, it wasn't raining as I drove us down, and parking outside as most had yet to arrive.

Delerium Nocturnum We settled down, got a round in, and got chatting whilst all the other teams arrived.

We did OK, finished 4th, again, so no cash prize for us, but a long way ahead of the team who came last.

Jools drove us home, getting back at just gone eleven, and four cats were waiting as if to say where have you been to at this time of night?

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