Sunday 19 November 2023

Saturday 18th November 2023

All week I waited for the weekend to roll round, stuck inside as I have been due to wind and rain. And so what did the weekend bring?

Wind and rain of course.

I could have found so church that "needed" a revisit, but the truth is I can now see the end of the project, or that it has entered a new phase.

Whatever, the upshot was there was to be n churchcrawling, orchid season is long over, so we would have to find something else to fill up the football-less void.

We were up at half six, and the rain was already falling, so after coffee, I went to Tesco for supplies, then down to Aldi for some beer.

I have been watching an online beer critic, and three new beers at the German discount supermarket sound good and interesting enough, so after leaving Tesco, down through the Buckland estate to Cherrytree where the store had just opened, I grabbed a few bottles and was back out in a few minutes.

By which time the rain was falling harder.

So back home for breakfast, and a morning spent cooking. Making a fresh batch of bolognese sauce to use up the celery and carrots left over. Jools made an apple crumble too, and as Tesco was out of custard, I made some fresh with single cream.

We had the crumble and custard for lunch, before we drove to Whitfield for an afternoon's cards.

When we arrived, John's car wasn't there, but John was. Turns out he has cataracts, and until he has the operation, can't drive.

But he was chipper. He knew this was the case, I suppose, hence the not driving at night.

Anyway, we played cards. Jen won the first game, Meld. Then I won heavily at Queenie, scooping several pounds in winnings.

Three hundred and twenty two Back home then before dark.


And as I finished the sauce, we had that for dinner, and as it smelt so damned delicious, I opened the last bottle of President's 15 to wash it down with.


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