Wednesday 1 November 2023

The wrong crisis for this Prime Minister with his skill set

So said Johnson's former Director of Communications.

The thing to say here is what, exactly, did he think Johnson's skill set actually was? Because when elected I called him a clown, and histroy has gone on to show who his indecisiveness cost tens of thousands of peple their lives.

Later, Cummings, the "walking brain" and Johnson's former head of staff, stated there was no plan for the pandemic.

Not once the crisis hit.

But there had been, we know this because the Government of Singapore said they had followed it. I seem to remember writing that the Pandemic Response Unit was disbanded by Johnson as he saw no value in it, and the lessons learned of the excercise, Operation Phoenix I think it was called, showed that the NHS was suffering in 2016, a sevre shortage of PPE, which was never addressed.

If Johnson should ever had been Prime Minister, it should have been during a period of calm, with his having to do nothing except not to fuck it up, though I'm not sure he is capable of not fucking everything up, he really is KIng Midas in reverse, turning everything and everybody he touches into literal shit.

Johnson was enabled by a pliant media, staffed by people he went to school and university with, people he had worked beside on the Telegraph, and they had seen hi sacked, twice, for lying. Once to his editor and then to the Leader of the Coservative Party. The point being they knew what kind of person Johnson really was, how he had fucked up London in his time as mayor; closing fire stations, police stations, pushing for a garden bridge that was cancelled but still cost £53,000,000, buying water cannon for the police that was against the law to use in the UK and sold for scrap, pushing for an airport in the Thames Estuary, despite environmental damage that would have cost.

His fellow MPs and former ministerial colleagues knew what kind of a person he was, and what kind of Prime Minister he would make. They made him leader of the Party anyway, because they thought, correctly, he would win an election.

Yesterday, it was revealled that Johnson wanted to let COVID "rip" through the population, suggested early on to encourage COVID "parties" to speed up herd imunity, and most damning of all, was prepared to sacrifice the older generation for the economy as COVID was nature's way of dealing with old people, and they should "accept their fate."

Only, this didn't apply to his own Father, who was double vaccinated by early 2021, when most of the country had no vaccine.

Despite the documented evidence of the above revealled at the inquiry yesterday, The Mail, The Express, and The Telegraph focussed on Dominic Cummings or backed Johnson still, the Mail giving the impression of an interview with the disgraved former Prime Minister. So, still protecting "their" guy, Johnson.

Since leaving office and then resigning his role as an MP before he was recalled by his Uxbridge voters because he mislead the Standards Inquiry into he misleading Parliament, he has gone on to earn millions from speaking engagements around the world, proving that crime and incompitence pays.

It seems that people like Robert Peston have been asonished or surprised by the revaltions coming out of the inquiry. I am not. I wrote about COVID, and Brexit, and so despite being an ordinary member of society, I undertood the lies and bullsht whenever Johnson or Hancock spoke. Peston is literally the Political Editor for ITV and used to be the Political Editor for the BBC, someone, in other words, who is an actual journalist who should have known this shot when it was happening to hold Johnson's feet to the fire, but he and Laura on the BBC acted as though the Government, and Johnson in particular, where their friends, and repeated his lies without question.

The old addage about is one side says its raining and the other side says it isn't, its the job of a journalist to stick his head out of the windo to check.

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