Sunday 26 January 2020

One year on

Time passes quickly.

Friday was the first anniversary of Meg's passing. And I didn't realise.

Life returns to normal so quickly, and we go back to our worthless pastimes and hobbies.

What I mean is that what we do inbetween being born and dying is what we call life. Why do we do the things we do, whey do I do the things I do?

I do what I do because it gives me joy and pleasure. I smiled yesterday when we did the churchcrawling.

I enjoyed being at the game on Wednesday, even when we lose, because, next time, it might be different.

Dreaming of a better life, to do good for others is what makes us human. Some do evil and bad things, I don't know why the do it, but they do.

Rich people, already with more money than they could spend in several lifetimes desire more. People would rather have power or money even if that means less fortunate people suffer or die. And then they are happy to lie about it. Maybe they kid themselves about what they do. That the wealth they cheat society out of means others suffer; hospitals, libraries, schools close. Their greed is what is ruining our world, not because Solihull has too many libraries.

The world, our employers, or families put pressure on on us until we break. Some people are too fragile to cope.

We miss Meg, every day, and her passing casts a long shadow over our lives. But especially Mike's. There is nothing we can do, nothing we can say to take away. The shadow will lay darkest and longest on his life, never to fade.

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