Sunday 19 January 2020

Sunday Brexit

The soap opera that is the Royal Family has pushed Brexit off the front pages, just as we enter the most important stage, the run up to the end of the A50 period and the start of the transition, and there is little focus from media.

This is important as the next phase, until the end of June will see Brexit opening up on a number of fronts, each important, and very difficult for anyone to focus on just one or two, let along them all.

And the Government is hoping for no scrutiny, either in Parliament or in the press, hoping that for most the thought is that Brexit is done and dusted.

But reality hoves into view at this very moment, caused by the Chancellor raising the possibility of no alignment. Business will have lots to say about this, and then do. A run on the pound, a running of jobs and investment out of the country, never to return might change minds, but then will be too late.

These next few months require realism on the UK's side, but we see just more banality and jingoism.

There has to be alignment and a level playing field (LPF) or the EU will say no in lots of other areas. It will all be about the consequences and pay offs.

The EU will be playing hardball now, and the cries of anguish from the Brexiteers will be loud, but they will blame the EU not their lack of plans or constant miss-stepping.

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