Monday 4 March 2019

Sunday 3rd March 2019

Thing with weekends now is that the start of each day is not concerned with either croissants or bacon butties.

Instead we have coffee, then retire to do our hobbies; Jools some beading and me shouting at the TV while watching MOTD. Its a hobby, someone's got to do it.

The forecast was for rain and wind all day, and after my close encounter with the chiropractor, my back had been really sore, so some lounging about was called for.

Jools went out to take more clothes to the tip, or to the Red Cross dropping off point and then to Jen's, while I stay home to do more faffing, but sdo go out to prune the acers in the front garden, but after bending over the small trees for twenty minutes, my back said in a loud voice that it had quite enough, thank you very much, how about that nice soft chair in the living room?

Sixty two So I go back in, but had managed to avoid the worse of the rain, just as well as in the afternoon it hammered down and got dark early.

We in Kent got off light, further west there were trees down, mountainous seas and the rest. We had a few plant pots blown over.

And I listened to three games on the radio, one after the other, while writing, editing, and generally not doing work, though this could count as work, rather than say watching TV for six hours.

And its not that the games were that good. After dinner I lay on the sofa to listen to the last half hour of the Merseyside Derby, only to fall asleep, and that's with no wine having been drunk!

By the end of the game, it was dark outside and finally the winds faded, as did the weekend. Time though to beat Jools twice at Uckers before bedtime.

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