Thursday 23 January 2020

Brexit is happening

Just a short post to confirm that the WAB passed its final reading in the Commons last night, MPs voting down all four of the Lord's amendments, thus setting the seeds for more hostile environments for EU citizens.

There will be no right to have a hard copy of their right to reside in the UK, the print out they get from submitting evidence is not evidence in itself.

The right of children to be reunited with their families has also been struck down.

These are stupid and racist policies.

Brexit is now owned by the Conservative (and Unionist) Party: Ha ha ha, and all the bad things that will spring forth will be theirs to own.

Whether to carry on writing about this or not has yet to be decided.

I am just tempted to post: "what did you think was going to happen?" and "I fucking told you so!" Would be a post for every day.

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