Saturday 18 January 2020

Friday 17th January 2020

The end of the week.


Jools has the day off, as she does every Friday now of course, so her weekend was already twelve hours old.

And as she wanted, her day was well planned: yoga, swimming, shopping and then down town, meaning I would be left at home.


And, gritting my teeth, I dd go on my 4th session on the cross trainer. But once on, it was easy. I ramp up the speed little by little, and having done another 20 minutes, 80 minutes for the week. I know its not much, but 80 minutes more that last week, or last month!


And outside, dawn was breaking, the clouds had parted and it promised to be a bright sunrise.

I have breakfast, another coffee, then go for a shower and am ready for work, dead on ten past eight. How did that happen, then minutes late?

No one seemed to notice, so I answer mails and begin to file my audit report. I actually have meetings; speaking to living people, not just cats. Which is nice. And no one complained, ways forward were agreed, and so onwards and upwards. Jools comes home with the shopping, so soon we are tucking into an early lunch of ham barms and a fresh huge brew.

It'll soon be the weekend.

The clock creeps round to two and with all of my colleagues had logged off for the weekend, I join them and switch off the computer.

To celebrate I make a fresh brew and break out the chilli flavoured chocolate to go with it.

Seventeen I watch a documentary on Quantum Mechanics. If you would have told the 14 year old me that I would willingly watching a TV show in Quantum Entanglement, a concept so alien I was lost after ten minutes. But still, paired electrons, on either side of the Universe can communicate instantly. And can only seen when they are detected.

My brain well and truly scrambled, I complete the job with a couple of glasses of vin rouge to go with the cheese and crackers which is our dinner.


Jools watches Dr Who, I write a blog.

I try to watch the Fulham v Middlesbrough game, but give up at half time as I am so pooped. So we go to bed at nine.

Phew, rock and roll.

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