Wednesday 1 January 2020

Mystic Jelltex returns: Brexit

Someone on Twitter asked this question of remainers: would you prefer to be proven right about Brexit and the country goes down the toilet, or be proven wrong and things not being quite so bad?

Of course, the whole point in remaining is wanting what we believe, and know, is best for the country. We want what choice would make us, as a country, richer or better off.

But all projections of any form of Brexit says the country will be poorer. He harder the Brexit the poorer we, as a country, will become.

What I guess is astonishing, is that during the second election in three years, one which was billed as a de-facto referendum on Brexit, that Brexit was hardly mentioned, let alone either side came any closer to defining what Brexit actually means.

So, the biggest challenge for the country, as a whole, is to define Brexit, define its primary ambitions in negotiations, and where it will compromise.

If Brexit is defined in terms of the ERG and the headbangers, then balancing the hardest of Brexits with the desire of business to be able to carry on trading with the EU on the best terms, and with least friction as possible.

One is dogmatic the other is realistic. We can have one, either one, but not both. Which one wil win out? If its the ERG then we will all suffer. We will lose jobs, houses and homes will be defaulted upon.

I have already been writing ten minutes and not come up with a prediction; that is because I don't know which will win out.

Turns out getting Brexit done isn't getting it done at all. Just getting it started.

But, the UK will leave the EU at the end of January, and then, the real arguing will really begin.

Labour will have to choose their new leader, but it is looking like they still don't understand the problem that caused the latest defeat, they are going to stick with left wing policies that failed to win the public over under Corbyn. Pursuing policies that can't win elections is dereliction of the role of being the opposition. If you can't actually win elections, then what is the point?

And then Labour will be fighting the gerrymandering of boundaries that will further weaken their position, and a really strong push for Scottish independence. Scotland used to be a Labour stronghold, not any more. And UK without Scotland would make Labour just about undetectable. And so the country could always be Tory. Or what's left of the country.

Scottish independence seems inevitable in the medium term, as does a unified Ireland, leaving the UK England and Wales.

I cannot see either the Labour or Conservative parties surviving in their current form. But I've said that before. We shall see.

Whatever, it will be fascinating, just a shame the the sick, the poor, the disabled, the low paid will be caught in the middle and suffer the most.

Brexit will affect all other areas of UK life. I mean all areas, so how bad Brexit gets will make reaction to the bad shit all the worse. There is three days supplies of fresh food on our shop's shelves, so riots will start on the 4th day.

Can you remember the fuel protests of 2000? A small group of people picketing fuel depots brought the country to a standstill for a month. Ambulances ran out of fuel and people died because some roadsweeper from Solihull said fuel couldn't leave a dept. Or something like that.

Imagine if there were no fuel.

If there is a run on the pound, then energy becomes expensive All energy, because energy is priced in dollars.

It will be lively. People are used to buying avocados and asparagus 12 months of the year. Ministers have previously said there will be "adequate" food. What if adequate food is potatoes and baked beans.

Maybe it'll all be OK.

Thing is, a lot of what Brexit will bring will, that we know it will bring, and are in motion, won't happen until after we have left the EU, and by then, when the PM is seen all naked, it will be too late to stop it In fact for a lot of bad stuff, it is already too late to stop most of it.

Shortages probably won't happen this year, if the WAB is passed so the WA ratified, nothing will obviously change for twelve months. What will happen will be increasing shortages of EU citizens willing to work here, shortages in nursing and the NHS as well as in farming, where there were shortages last year, this year will be worse.

Now as people who are applying for settled status are finding that despite living here in some cases for decades, paying taxes and contributing to society, are being refused. Families will have to decide to stay here and be split up, or move somewhere more friendly.

Happy New Year.

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