Thursday 16 January 2020

Wednesday 15th January 2020

Hump day. Apparently.

Yes, halfway through the week, or will be at least at midday. And I have designated Wednesday as an official "rest day" from my exhausting physical fitness regime. The only effect was that I didn't go on the corss trainer, meaning I could sit in the new office chair, in my pants, listening to the radio.

As you do.

Storm Brendan was still blowing outside, long overstaying its welcome, and with it due to pass over by lunch, went out with a bang, or in this case, torrential rain for a couple of hours, turning what is left of the lawn/meadow into softer mud.

Jools goes to work leaving me the task of getting dressed and logging on for work before eight. Which I fail to do as I had expense receipts to scan on the scanner. So once I had eaten breakfast, I scan the four receipts, e mail to my work addy, as I cannot download the drivers required on my work laptop allowing that to do the scanning. I hope this makes sense, because had I have written it three decades ago I would have been committed.

Anyway, scanning done, I start work, finding that no e mails had been sent over night, no crisis to defuse, no grenades to throw over the wall, no fires to fight, no metaphors to use.


Outside the wind blew less, rain fell, less.

I carry on with work, breaking only for regular brews, elevenses and lunch. I balk at afternoon tea and cakes as we don't have any cakes, though I could make some I suppose.

Outside the wind dies, clouds part, and a ball of burning gas can be seen. It gives off heat and makes everything look much better. Even me. I will worship as a God and hope it never goes away.

I go out to look at the garden. Its OK as long as you step on the grass or lichen covered paving, meaning I have to hover an inch above the ground. All over the garden, there are fresh green shoots of the spring bulbs we have left in. A couple of the daffodils even have buds forming. I take shots to prove what I'm telling you is true.

Fifteen The sun begins to set in the west and it gets cold. So I go inside to watch more about American modern art.

Once I had packed away my work stuff, I begin to prepare dinner, a new recipe using the glut of courgettes in the fridge; courgette fritters.

Courgette fritters I have to grate the courgettes, which isn't great if I'm honest, I graze my knuckles, but get the job done, then combine the shavings with onion, egg, chili, garlic and flour. Mix and then shallow fry one to see if was OK, otherwise it would be cheese and crackers.

They went down a treat with red wine and some garlic bread.

Another quiet evening lay ahead with me planning trips for the year hoping to close out the Kent Church project; more on that tomorrow.

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