Friday 25 February 2022


I'll make this short.

The same 5th columnists who shrilled about regaining the UK's sovereignty are nonly to happy the Russian financial backers ignoring the sovereignty of Ukraine to have the sovereign right to join NATO.

Farage and all the Vote Leave Quislings should hang their collectve heads in shame, but then their treason has always been there for all to see.

And it is treason.

As is the Conservative acceptance of Russian money too.

Rightly, they are embarassed, and are attacking anyone who points this out. But Johnson literally made the son of a KGM Colonel an actual fucking Lord in the UK Parliament.

In. Plain. Sight.

They really don't give a fuck about the country they claim to love.

Just money.

And the power that Russian money has bought for them, and the power Putin has had over them.

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