Thursday 24 February 2022

Wednesday 23rd February 2022

Day two on the workshop, and already my heart sinks at the thought of it.

On the plus side we were to go out for supper in the evening with Bev and Steve from next door.

But first, a very long day.

It was going to be another fine day outside, but sadly I would spend most of my day staring in disbelief at the discussions I was taking part in.

Jools went for a walk as it is now light before she leaves for work, and by the time she returned I was on the phone to Henrik as we discussed the latest events in the world of Quality and wind turbines. None of it good.

Fifty four But there you go.

And at half seven, the meeting began, so after a recap, I mute the microphone and listen in as twelve people argue about reinventing the wheel. Which I do point out that's it what they are doing, only making it even more complicated.

A touch of the vapours I wonder which fool will be tasked with sorting the outputs out.

Oh yeah, me.

I do wander off to make breakfast, brews, feed the cats, feed the birds and so on through the morning.

Time drags.

We stop an hour for lunch, and its so nice and calm outside, I take my lunch of leftover tacos out to eat in the sunshine while Scully lies beside me and purrs loudly. On the other side of the garden, birds are waiting in line at the feeders.

Crocus Just a shame I had to go back to work, really.

And in the end f was for just two and a half hours, and by the time it ended I had really had enough, so I watched some train videos to calm down. Because, outside, cloud had swept in and the day was turning to dusk quite quickly.

Days eye Jools arrives home, we have coffee and the last of the chocolate, and get changed ready for half six when we would meet Bev and Steve as they would take us to Deal.

Half six arrived, and we went out and climed in the back of their Toyota, and off we went into the night, driving through Ringwould and Walmer, parking at the central car park, it was twenty to seven and we had 40 minutes to kill.


We went into the Just Reproach and found they had cappuccino flavoured stout, so Steve and I had a pint, Bev ahalf and Jools half a cider.

Very nice.

Steve and I had taken a bottle of red to share, and Jools had fizz, so we wouldn't go thirsty.

We take our seats, pour a glass of wine and wait for the first course.

Caramelised goat cheese

Herb baked chicken

Chocolate parfait


All yummy, although my memroies of the end of the meal are a little blurry as the wine took effect.

Bev drove us back to St Maggies where my bed was calling.

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