Saturday 19 February 2022

Spot the difference

Yesterday, 3 people died in storm-related inidents.

Meanwhile 158 died from COVID.

Guess which ones were the lead story on news bulletins, and which ones failed to get a mention at all?

Truth is we have become numb, and the Government has encouraged that, we should think the pandemic is over and is now little more than flu. Flu doesn't kill at the rate COVID does, it was always a lie, and still is.

And the Cheif Medical Officers of England and Scotland are nowhere to be seen in what briefings thre are, backing the Government's course of action, nor have they spoken out against it, although many other scientists and doctors have.

All remaining restrictions will end on March 1st, so infections will rise, although it is likely the data won't be collected, or if collected, not published.

We will have to pay for testing, so people won't.

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