Friday 4 February 2022

Thursday 3rd February 2022

And here we are, another day at work, although no auditing this day.

Meaning there is a gradual slope into the working day, two maybe three coffees, nutella on toast, podcasts and so on.

Apparently, I get paid for this.

And there's the rub. I could go for another job, but would I work from home and have so much freedom?

I don't know.

But for now, I make hay in these days of wine and roses, eating home made bread and waiting on our small pack of kitty cats.

Its a life.

Jools doesn't set the alarm as we were out Wednesday night, so we were up and about at quarter to six. Still stark, but soon there was the promise of the new day away in the wouth east.

Jools is all ready for work, she says whe'll park in Hythe and walk to the factory to get some steps in, and I realise apart from filling the bird feeders and taking the trash out, I haven't been out since Sunday. I will go out at some point I say.

Thirty four And actually mean it.

I have a meeting with my boss where I explain how I see the major project he has given me, and he is beyond thrilled. I mean he really likes the plan, but I know getting it done will be tricky. However, my star is flying high for now, which is good.

Primula veris I have a cuppa and cheese on toast made with the leftover Mexicana cheese which makes the tea undrinkable. I switch to squash and find that to be better.

And into the afternoon, the sunshine of the morning gives way to cloud, so that by three it really is quite gloomy indeed. But nothing is going to stop me from leaving the house.

Snowdrop Sp The main reason for going is to see if the daffodils in the yard of the house on the corner are out. I say yard, really the strip of grass beside the path. I see several in bud and one open, though not fully. But it'll do.

Borago officinalis And nearby, the Cowslip is open too, looking great in the low light.

On the other side of the road there is Shepherd's Purse and Borage in flower, so I snap those too.

Capsella bursa-pastoris I walk to the first track, past the war memorial to the crashed USAF B17, and I see someone has put a small stars and stripes in front of it. All the guys in the plane got out having made it back from Germany.

Lamium purpureum Everywhere there is red deadnettle, small at the moment, but all bedecked with delightful small pinky red flowers.

I snap them too.

Not much else to see, about the clouds threaten to break to reveal the early evening sky, but don't quite do it before dusk falls.

I get back home and make a brew before putting the radio on for some music before getting down to prepare dinner, which is fishcakes and stir fry with noodles. Light and tasty, and good. I have a glass and a half of red plonk too. Nearly at the weekend, guys.

Westcliffe After clearing away and washing up, we have a coffee before on the radio the show changes to the Boy Lard with a vintage episode of the pU at the end.


And on the tellybox I watch Egypt v Cameroon in the African Cup of Nations. Goes to penalties, so I go to bed late.

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