Tuesday 22 February 2022

The idiot's idiot

Useful Idiots was a term used by those who were conned into supporting Brexit when it was against their interests to do so.

Johnson used the DUP and farmers and fishermen as useful idiots, only to abandon them once their usefulness was over with.

Johnson is Putin's idiot.

The PM has refused to publish a report into Russian interferance in the 2015 and 2017 elections and of Russian funding of the Conservative Party. Johnson made the son of a KGB agent a Lord.

After talking tough on actions yesterday, Johnson imposed sanctions on five Russian banks and three Russian billionaires. Sactions the US had imposed on the same people and banks in 2018.

Meanwhile, the venn diagram of Brexiteers and those who support Russian claims to Ukraine against NATo "agression" seems to be pretty much a perfect circle, with two of Putin's loudest cheerleaders, Aaron Banks and Naughty Nigel.

Who'd have think it?

I mean, where did Vote Leave's money came from and who gave that student half a million quid to pay for wrapround advertising in London when the guy lives in NI?

How queer.

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