Saturday 5 February 2022

Still here

And still corrupt.

An unknown number of letters has been sent to the 1922 committee, and its getting close to the threashold, but until that is breached, we don't know.

It took nearly two days before Johnson or anyone from Number 10 spoke about the resignations, but which time a 5th had bailed.

Stephen Barclay has now been installed as a Chief of Staff, as well as a Junior Minister and an MP. Three full time jobs for a man so dim he voted against the Brexit deal he had presented to the House of Comments minutes before, when he was the (short time) Minister for Brexit after Raab had quit.

Briefings have either laid the blame at the feet of Johnson's aides, or at the door of his wife, Carrie.

It is not the KIng but the King's wife that is the trouble is as old as a Shakespeare play. But just remember that back when Johnson was conspiring to have a rival journalist beaten up (there are audio tapes), "evil" Carrie was two years old.

So, Johnson has pretty much always been rotten.

Today's papers lead mostly not with Johnson but with "Queen" Camilla stories, but the Mail has extracts from a book attacking Carrie, the Express leads with a story, one suspects with little substance, about the "bullish" Prime Minister.

Meanwhile there is no leadership in the country, there is a crisis in Northern Ireland with the DUP having collapsed the NI Executive, complaining that the NIP is working as it should. THe Government says the same but there is no plan for how else it could or should work other than the same old undeliverable technologial solutions and so on, or that the EU should be flexible.

259 people died yesterday from COVID, infections seem to still be falling, but very little is now said of the pandemic, other than messaging is that it is pretty much over. Which is what JOhnson has said as far back as May 2020. He was wrong then, and could be wrong now.

The crisis in Ukraine is ongoing, Russia has tens of thousands of troops massed on the border, and the West sends what is left of the country weapons in support.

The cost of living crisis has not yet landed, but will in April.

And Brexit rumbles on which will combine with inflation to make millions more plunge into poverty and have to reply on food banks.

Welcome to the sunlit uplnads and the world in which David Cameron saved us all from the chaos of an Ed Milliband Government in 2015.

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