Friday 22 July 2022

Friday 22nd July 2022

Some schools broke up for summer yesterday, which is why traffic to the port of Dover was jammed on all routes.

This we did not find out until Jools tried to get to yoga class on the seafront, only to find Jubilee Way and Maison Dieu Road all blocked.

She gave up and went straight to work.

The jams are not ususual, especially on the first weekend of the school holidays, just more media seems to be focussing on Dover. I'd like to blame it on Brexit, but it was just volume of traffic.

Two hundred and three I had no worries, of course. My commute is from one chair at the dining table to the next, after setting up the office. And away I went.

And to my surprise, my travel claim from April finally got approved.

I had a meeting on the work I have been doing this week. Mostly good feedback, but the language barrier of people in the meeting from China and Spain meant they had to send notes confirming what they said.

I completed registering my working hours.

And at midday, Jen came to pick me up as we were booked to have lunch in Hythe with Jools. Sylv and John were in the car. I had studied the traffic map and had a route near to the HIgh Street, which should have avoided the worst, the tricky part would be getting back home.

We went along the Alkham Valley and all was well until we found the entry to the A20 before the Roundhill Tunnels closed, we could go through Folkestone, but only just get round the ring road roundabout before queueing lorries blocked the 2nd exit.

Through the town centre and down into Sanndgate, along the promenade into Hythe, parking near the pool and walking across the playing fields, we arrive at the chippy at ten past one, five minutes early and get our table.

Jools arrived within ten minutes; they all ordered cod and chips, I had skate. And it was delicous.

Skate and chips Bakc to the cars, and with Jools looking at the traffic map we made our way out of th Hythe to Saltwood, then past the station at Sandling, crossing over the motorway to Postling before heading up the Elham Valley and though Barham to the A2, on which there was light traffic, so made it back to Whitfield where the card school was to start early.

We only had time for one game, as Jools and I have to be up early for another railtour in the morning, so left at six to come home, feed the cats and do some relaxing.

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