Monday 11 July 2022

Sunday 10th July 2022

We suffer the winters and early days of spring, hoping for days when it would be warm enough to sit outside of an evening. And then when summer comes round it quickly gets too hot and then we complain that its too hot and we can't sleep.

And so after the long day on the trains and in that Norwich, I had hoped for a good night's sleep. Instead it was hot and humid, and so I tossed and turned all night.

We did lay in until nearly six, but nowhere enough sleep.

I had already decided that I needed a haircut, so I jsut had to fritter the morning away until nine when I could leave for Folkestone. We had coffee and crossaints, and we both agreed it was going to be too hot to do anything.

Other than a haircut, clearly.

Jools was going to stay, so we didn't have to close the windows, leavig me to drive along the Alkham Valley and into Folkestone, where I found the road to Rayners Park car park was still closed, at least from the east. I drive round the town, and find a place to park at the other end of the pedestian street from the barbers, leaving me a five minute walk along the flat to the shop.

One hundred and ninety one And I had times it perfectly, stepping into an empty chair, and soon I was being shorn, including my ear, eyebrows and nostrils.

I paid my tenner and a bit, and thought about having a wander, but instead walk back to the car to drive back through Capel to home.

Wings That was the excitement done for the day.

Back home I make bacon butties. We were going to have them for supper, but were hungry.

That done we alterneated between sitting inside and on the patio. The latter until we were too hot, even if the brids and butterflies were distracting.

The day crept onwards, and Jools went to a party at her yga teacher's house, leaving me to watch podcasts and listen to stuff on the radio.

For supper, Jools made gooseberry crumble and custard, which although was very nice, did lay heavy and so some gavison was needed when we went to bed.

The day cooled as the sun sank in the west, I watered the garden and the weekend drew to an end.

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