Tuesday 19 July 2022

Petty and vindictive to the last

Johnson ensured that the party whip was removed from Tpbias Elwood, for failing to support the Government in last night's vote of no-confidence.

Elwood was at a meeting, but last year had given Johnson a hard time at a Defence Select Commisttee meeting where Johnson laughed at the suggestion Russian tanks would ever roll over Europe once again.

There are several Conservative MPs that had recived criminal convictions for sexual misconduct, more are under investigation, and yet they get to keep the whip.

Elwood, for embarassing a lazy good for nothing lying Prime Minister.

Supsend the whip!

To show how bad Johnson is: at the start of the debate into the VONC, Johnson complained that Labour was wasting time in such political fripperies as this when the was a war, cost of living crisis, COVID, etc.

Speaker Hoyle had to point out, under a point of order, that it was Johnson's Government that had called for the VONC.

The Prime Minister literally didn't know his own Government's business for the day.

But then he spent the weekend at Chquers partying with friends in family so he couldn't possibly be expected to attend and chair the COBRA meeting.

What is it with Johnson and parties?

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