Tuesday 31 October 2023

Monday 30th October 2023

This week the wind is going to blow and the rain is going to fall.

A lot.

So, deciding on shots of the day might become ever more tricky.

It was Monday, first day back, and once logged on find my colleague in Denmark was heading to Grimsby for an audit. Should I travel up, I ask hoping he would say no.

He said no.

Which was nice.

In fact I would like a trip to Grimsby, I once spent the best part of a month there, and in 2008, the town was as down on its luck as it was possible to be, there was enough fine buildings and quiet corners to explore to keep me busy for a few days.

Back then, the fish docks were left to decay, as were the fine warehouses along the cobbled streets. They might all be gone now, or converted to flats, or worse, a Whetherspoons or three.

But it was fine, I should stay here in Kent. So I did.

But that meant, again, no colleagues to talk to, just me and my thoughts and podcasts and train videos on YouTube.

The day passed.


Would I go out for a walk? The sun of earlier gave way to clouds, and then a steady rain fell.

I went on no walk.

The garden is all but asleep for winter, though on Sunday when we left to go into town for that early walk, I disturbed a Hummingbird hawk moth, though none seen on Monday. No insects seen at all.

The passionflowers have produced their inedible fruit, and are rotting on their branches, the Virginia Creeper nearby is still producing fresh red leaves. So I snap that.

Three hundred and three The day faded soon after four, turning to grey and then black.

Through the day I had made a chicken tagine, with apricots and dried dates, which came out pretty well, though we would have that later as Monday is Jools's aquafit night, so we have bacon butties in the evening, nothing too filling as she gets home soon after eight.

There is football to watch, WBA at Coventry, which as local as most derbies can be, but I am distracted, and soon Jools calls to say she is on her way back, go I get grilling bacon.

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