Friday 27 October 2023

Thursday 26th October 2023


Same as Wednesday.


With more rain.

We woke with it hammering down outside, the cats unwilling to go out, but happy enough to be fed.

Jools left for work, and I made another coffee, as I do each morning, then put on the latest Parallel Universe Podcast, set up the office and drift through the day.

There really isn't much to say of the day, other than details of my trip to France were sorted, they will book hotels, I just need to get a hire car.

Two hundred and ninety nine I had a brew to celebrate.

In the afternoon the clouds did clear, and the sun shone for a bit, so I went into the garden to take some snaps. Usually, birds fly away as soon as the back door is opened, but on Blue Tit stayed to feed, but as I only had the macro on the camera, not very close up, but the good afternoon light meant crisp shots of the bird on the feeder.

Penstemon Light soon faded, so I prepared dinner and poured some wine to sup as I cooked.

And so another day done, Jools arrived home, we ate and drank.

Not sure if this week has felt like working, really. I seem to be up to date and in control.

Which is nice.

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