Friday 6 October 2023

Thursday 5th October 2023

This might not look much, but contains leaf mould, fungi and orchid seed, which I received from Dave of the HOS.

Contains seed for: Common Spotted seed and substantial amounts of Northern Marsh and Pyramidal plus Southern Marsh. I have broadcast the mix onto our lawnmeadow on which we already have three Pyramidal which arrived naturally, or on our boots.

Two hundred and seventy eight ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Back home.

And after a poor night's sleep, I was awake at half four, waiting for the alarm to go off. Which it does at half five, and its dark, of course.

Having a weekend away would normally mean having two days off in lieu, but I have audit reports to write, and other things to attend to, so I have to work.

That will wait.

So, up and having coffee, Jools goes to work, so I fire up the laptop to see how many mails I have received and meetings which will fill the day.

The reports will wait for another day.

Outside, it is warm, but the breeze has an edge which has me pondering all day whether to put a jumper on or not. It does mean more windows closed, and less alternate routes in and out for the cats, so more chances of confrontation. In a few weeks the only way out will be via the cat flap of meowing me to open the front door.

A mix I ordered from the Hardy Orchid Society arrived, so once work finished I set about broadcasting the mix into areas of the lawnmeadow, then raking the mix in so that it contacts the ground. Any results will be three years in showing, at least, but I can wait.

Dinner is Caprese, something light and flvoursome, which I appreciate after ten days of eating dirty food in restaurants and hotels.

There was also wine.

We were both tired after the late night on Wednesday, getting back from that London, so we head to bed at half eight with the lesser two European footy competitions not yet at half time, results don't really matter.

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