Saturday 7 September 2024

Friday 6th September 2024

And we made it to Friday, more of an achievement more than most weeks, if I'm honest.

Jools had left for yoga by the time I got up, so made coffee then put the bins out, which is when I snapped the Feverfew growing in a joint on our drive, perfectly happy, apparently.

Two hundred and fifty Back inside for breakfast and then starting work, making sure my report was in its final draft version.

That took 5 hours, leading me to half one, and that, I thought, was enough.

So, I logged off and made a brew, reading all of the new WSC which was delivered that morning, while sitting outside in weak sunshine, just warm enough to do so without a jumper.

Through the day I made and kept pinching and folding the focaccia bread for dinner. I prepared garlic and rosemary infused olive oil, so it would be doubly tasty.

I forgot to pinch and fold for the first two hours, but it rose like crazy, and was already full of bubbles.

Three hours of folding, then in a tin, before wiggle, wiggle wiggle and jiggle, jiggle, jiggle. Pour more oil on and cook for 25 minutes.

No Knead I cut tomatoes and mozzarella, add balsamic and more oil and top with fresh basil leaves.

Take bread out of oven.

And eat.

And it was wonderful, the only problem was to force ourselves to stop eating the warm, crunch and delicious bread.

There was international football on YouTube, lots of football, so I watch two games, the second France v Italy, which I was only going to watch until half time, but was so entertaining, I watch it all in a surprise 3-1 win for Italy.

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