Tuesday 10 September 2024

Monday 9th September 2024

Back to work.

Having been a dirty stop up, drinking wine and eating mini cheddars, I slept through the alarm, and it was Jools who woke me at quarter past six by throwing the curtains open.

Monday, then.

Jools left straight away, leaving me to finish my coffee and stare at the window at the saturated garden from Sunday's downpours.

Better get to work.

As always here is much to do, and not enough time to do it in.

Outside, the day was cool, cloudy and breezy, with clouds zipping across the skies, and it not being really warm enough to site outside, just as well really, as I didn't have enough time.

The kettle breaks. Or, sometimes doesn't boil to 100 degrees, so coffee or tea is lukewarm. I check with Amazon and find that delivery won't be until Thursday.

It was at this point i remember Jen's car was out front, so I hop in and nip to Tesco, get a cheapo kettle and something for lunch, and back home within 20 minutes, and gasping for a brew.

Two hundred and fifty three The new kettle works fine

The day passes.

There is a meeting with my manager and my colleague, and I am now on my guard as things said by my manager last week cannot be unsaid. So, I prepare for the worse, but by the use of facts and evidence, as able to answer some concerns on my manager's part, but it is a wearing process, to always be suspicious.

I change some details in the report, then have to wait for my colleague to rewrite one section, which he does at six minutes past eight.

So, I'm still working when Jools comes back from work at half five, time for a coffee and a short cake before she is off swimming, or aquafit.

After she has gone, there is France v Belgium on YouTube, so I settle down with a glass of wine to watch the game, stopping only when Jools returns to op a pizza in the oven for supper.

Rock and roll.

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