Thursday 5 September 2024

Wednesday 4th September 2024

Up again to check on the moth trap before the rain came.

Which didn't come.

But there was some very light drizzle in the air, so after snapping those moths who didn't fly away and were bigger than pinheads, I make sure they all fly off before putting the trap and cable away before the rain which didn't come, came.

Back inside for second coffee and breakfast.

And then to work, more writing of the report, which after a slow start began to flow, meaning that by early afternoon I had finished the draft, and could ponder a job well done. Though whether the auditees will see it that way is another matter.

Two hundred and forty eight Lunch was warmed up fritters and a few oatcakes, but too cold to sit outside as autumn seems to have arrived early, cold enough to close windows and wear a jumper again.

Campaea margaritata I finish at half three, wrap up and put on a podcast to listen to as I pack the office away and consider dinner.

Netelia infractor Simple dinner of chicken Kyiv done in the air frying in just 13 minutes, mash and fresh corn. Followed by coffee and a handful of peanut butter M&Ms.

Noctua pronuba No football again, and with an early morning ahead. Very early morning, we go to bed at eight, and it wasn't even dark.

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