Sunday 1 September 2024

Saturday 31st August 2024

It was the last day of August, two thirds of the year gone. We have done so much this month, it seemed a good idea to do little. So, after coffee, I went to Tesco to get a few essentials, and it still came to £122! Tesco is not busy that time of the morning, neither are the roads. But Tesco does have Christmas stock in, already. Mince pies, chocolates, bisuits and so on, all in fancy boxes. Its still Summer. So I get back just after eight, Jools put the shopping away while I make breakfast. Two hundred and forty four There's some stuff Jools wants in town, so I stay home, and instead of lollygagging, I vacuum the kitchen, living room and stairs. The cats were not happy. Then when Jools come back, I make bacon and sausage butties, all timed to be cooked by quarter past twelve, in time so I could watch Norwich play at Coventry. Double black In a good game, Norwich got stronger, scoring just after half time and got better as the second half went on, but failed to score more, though didn't concede either. Unlike Everton, who in their later kick off managed to turn a 2-0 with with 87 minutes gone into a 3-2 defeat eight minutes later, And that takes skills. We have warmed up leftover Chinese for supper, while I watch yet more football. It passes the time, while on the wireless, Craig plays more funk and soul.

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