Saturday 31 August 2024

Friday 30th August 2024

With nighttime rain forecasted for the weekend, Thursday night was the last chance for a while to put the trap out, so first job in the morning, after emergency first coffee, was check the trap.

Two hundred and forty three Sadly, a Snout sp flew off as I turned off the lamp, but plenty to see and enjoy, including a Burnished Brass and a new one, Dark Spectacle, which disguises itself as a twig, like it its cousin, the Buff Tip.

Abrostola triplasia I snap them all, then go to put the clippings, and trash out, back inside for second coffee and breakfast.

And then to work, in which I finalise the draft of the audit report, and finish just before lunch, which is when I receive my co-auditor's comments and findings. Back to it on Monday, then.

On Saturday, I scrounged a lemon from Amalfi during the pasta making course, so it was Saturday that I made pasta a limone, though using bought spaghetti rather than making my own.

Amalfi lemon And a proper, big Italian lemon lifts it up so much, so it seems I will be a lemon snob as well now.

I finish at half one, then sit outside with Mulder and Scully waiting for Jools to come back from the factory, so we can then go to Jen's for cards.

We don't do so well, until Jools scoops the "run" kitty in Queenie and I guess she recoups most of our losses for the day, as we had nearly ran out of money in the tin.

So it goes, so it goes.

Back home for the music quiz, that I win for a change, and guessing "Arrival" in some 6 seconds. Meanwhile Jools goes to collect a Chinese, so that once I am done with the quiz, Jools gets back and we eat our fill, so much food there is enough for another meal over the weekend.

It is Transfer deadline day, so I follow that on the interwebs while watching Luton v QPR, though I am pooped by half time to admit defeat and go to bed.

Outside wind is howling, though is still hot and humid in the house.

Crazy times.

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