Tuesday 20 August 2024

Monday 19th August 2024

And back to work.

Like I've never been away, really.

And for Jools, with Donna away all week, she leaves for the office at quarter past six to try to stay ahead of work, leaving me to drink coffee and catch up on podcasts.

Two hundred and thirty two I am currently watching videos of a guy who tells stories of roads and motorways, sounds dull, but like with all such things, it's the personality, and his engagement with the subject that makes it watchable.

Poppy My boss didn't miss me, and arranged no meeting to discuss issues and workloads, just a list of things I have to do.

Its all so predictable and yet unsurprising.

I have an audit to prepare for next week, so I find documents to down load and begin the review.

Oatcakes and marmalade for lunch, saving some for the afternoon as Jools was splashing in the evening and so we would be having late supper of cake.

It clouded over in the afternoon, meaning we wouldn't see the full moon rise, and through the day, the soot in the atmosphere made the sky appear almost white.

There was football in the evening: Leicester v Spurs. All going well for Spurs until half time, after which it got a bit Spursy.

And that was your Monday, day one of a four day working week.

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