Wednesday 14 August 2024

Sunday 11th August 2024


And its hot.

Damn hot.

So hot it took us three hours to gird our loins to collect the remaining clippings, by which time it was hotter still.

Two hundred and twenty four We were awake at six, but laid until the water heater kicked in at half past, then leapt up and got busy.

The view from above Fed the cats.

Made coffee.

Turned the radio on.

Had breakfast and more coffee. And just after then we went out to bag up the clippings, load the car and Jools took them to the tip.

The view from above I washed up and sweltered.

No sign of most of the cats, other than Scully who had found a place shady where she could keep an eye on us.

Jools returned with ice creams, which we ate quickly before they melted, and so the morning turned into the afternoon. The long dark afternoon of the soul, until four when there was football and Wayne's Plymouth took to the field and were thrashed 4-0.

Woody Did it get any cooler?

Not really. Even with all the windows and doors open, it was hot. So it it called for beer/cider with beer and/or cider chaser. And we ate pizza out on the patio.

Phew, what a scorcher

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