Wednesday 28 August 2024

Tuesday 27th August 2024

And so, back to work.


I say with some trepidation, as for the first day back, I have two four-hour audits to complete and then report on, which, in fairness, will take me most of the rest of the week.

Jools had decided to go for a swim in sea before work, so she left at just gone six, giving me 50 minutes to check on the moth trap, make a second coffee and have breakfast.

I log on, and find there were 156 unread mails, so with my position unclear, and not enough time this day to respond, I ignore them, find the agenda for the audit, get my notebook ready, make sure my pen works, and I'm away.

And away we go, meaning I have to ignore demands from the cats for food/attention/meow.

So it goes. So it goes.

I have an hour for lunch, but that is taken with phone calls on the latest firefighting, time enough to make a sandwich and a brew, sit outside in the sunshine where it is now officially, hot.

Two hundred forty Back into the audit at midday, and the day craws. I get to about five to six hours in, and my brain melts, I lose concentration and just start clock-watching.

We get done half an hour early, at half three. Time to put on some shoes and go for a walk, even if its just over the fields on a Clouded Yellow hunt.

Euproctis similis None seen, but the hedgerows are beginning to see ivy bloom, meaning it is nearly autumn, and the air is full of bees, wasps and flies, all gorging on the pollen and nectar.

I wander back, hot and bothered, and needing to prepare dinner of buttermilk chicken, baby boiled potatoes and fresh corn.

A light and mummery meal for the end of August.

There is football in the evening: League Cup with Norwich playing one of our 91 bogy teams: Crystal Palace.

We lose 4-0.

Apparently play well despite the score. But still lose, and now can concentrate on the League.

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