Tuesday 6 August 2024

Who we are

I always felt uncomfortable during Last Night of the Proms. All the flag-waving, Rule Britannia and all that.

Dad loved it, and I used to watch it because he had.

And then 2012 came round, and the Olympics, and the opening ceremony celebrated everything great about modern Britain: The NHS, music, literature, multi-cultureism and finally it felt great to celebrate the flag without all the right wing idealogical trappings that went with it.

But, it seems, others fumed and raged at the same scenes. And as a result of the failed Scottish Referendum, the idea of English exceptionalism came to bear. English laws for the English, and so on.

The manifestation of this was Brexit, and that when the result came in, unleased much hatred and violence against those not born here, or those who look like they were not born here.

A decade of demonisation of immigration, either from the EU or beyond, poisoned our political discourse. Not it matters not a jot if migration is good for the country or not, its just bed and must be stopped.

Last week three young children were stabbed to death at a dance class in Southport, and false rumours put around on social media was that the suspect was an immigrant. He was, in fact born in the UK.

Roits took place that night in Southport, and have taken place each night since, but these do not celebrate the lives of those three girls lost. It is a race riot, turned into looting and violence.

Reports now are of the targeting of lawyers and soocial workers who help assylum seekers, that they and their offices are to be targeted on Wednesday night.

The undercurrent of hate and raceism has always been there, and is now in plain view, with at least two countries advising their citizens not to travel here because of the threat of violence.

That communities have come together to clean, paint and repair after the riots is hardly supported, while right wing MPs and commentators speak of legitimate concerns. Cocerns which apparently excuse the looting and burning of police stations, libraries and a citizen's advice office. Damaging the very communities they claim to love.

Covered in tattoos, shirtless, drunk, high on booze and smack, rioting, looting, drinking and laughing, spreading fear and hate wherever they go.

This is the result of 14 year Daily Hate Mail and Express headlines, blaming all the ills of the country on immigrants now that the EU can't be.

Welcome to Britain, 2024.

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