Thursday 22 August 2024

Tuesday 20th August 2024


Market day in King's Lynn.

Or rather one of the two weekly markets in King's Lynn, the market on Tuesday takes place at the Tuesday Market Place, and I think you can work out where the Saturday market takes place.

Anyway, no market in St Maggies today, or any day.

So, to work.

Andfor Jools, day three of Donna being off, and doing, in effect, three people's jobs. She leaves just after six and I am alone, the cats asleep, and just the internet to keep me company, but thankfully there are parts I've yet to see, as new stuff it created in the eight hours I am in bed.

Two hundred and thirty three I have an audit to prepare for, so gather documents and begin to take notes. Though do take calls in which we all agree on how shit things are and how complaining about it takes up so much time.

The morning passes.

The expected rain did not appear, instead just some light drizzle, though was cool and breezy

But there was work to keep me warm, of course.

I have been kinda waiting for a clear the air meeting, an invite for which never came, sadly. So, come the end of the day, I send out an e mail setting out my position, it would detonate once I was safely logged off for the day.

Tick, tick, tick. BOOM.

I feel better for having done that, so have a beer on the patio with Mulder, who sits patiently, gently pawing my hand so I stroke him between sips;

A small paws I make a new recipe for dinner: chicken sticks, with minced chicken, flour, breadcrumbs and paprika, make into said sticks and fried until crispy.

Another triumph, methinks.

No football again, and the skies too cloudy to see the nearly full, but waning moon out the back of the house.

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