Wednesday 7 August 2024

Tuesday 6th August 2024

Welcome to Tuesday.

I put the trap out for a second night, as there was rain forecast for later in the week, and was rewarded with some interesting species, though no Hawkmoths this time.

Two hundred and nineteen Scully follows me down, hoping i might sit on the patio with her for a while, or all day, whatever comes first.

The thirsty slug I have to work. And I HAVE to drink coffee, so I go on, make coffee and am ready for the day, but loin-girding took and extra twenty minutes.

Euproctis similis Lunch was to be tagine with some freshly grilled lamb, which I would marinade, so get them out of the freezer at seven, so that by two they were defrosted and I could cut slices in the steaks and smother harissa paste into the cuts and leave to mature.

Opisthograptis luteolata As is going to happen each day, wind builds through the day, so that by two its quite blowy, so instead of walking I work in the garden, removing bindweed that has rather taken over.

Spilosoma luteum Then sat to sup a stubby of Chimay Blue before preparing dinner.

Tagine warmed up, rice boiled and drained, corn steams and the lamb fried so that it was crispy on the outside and juicy and spicy inside.

Lasiommata megera It was beyond lovely.

Especially with a bottle of decent red to wash it down with.

Ange has been celebrating since finishing her swim, so we have yet to congratulate her, but will do in time. Sadly, their time is unofficial, as they were sent off course by the tide to a restricted area, and the person swimming that leg had to get out. So, that disqualifies an official time, but they got back in and finished just before two on Monday.

Vanessa atalanta

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