Thursday 8 August 2024

Wednesday 7th August 2024

Four years ago, we collected Cleo and Poppy from the RSPCA in Ashford, and for a while there were bumps in the road, or turds under the bed, but after that first winter, things got better, and although not perfect. I mean, I can't get near either of them when they're awake to pick them up, although their behaviour indicates they at least tolerate me if not like me, its a bit disappointing.

That said, they are part of te family, and Scully is now too old really to chase either of them with any conviction of actually catching them, she has worked out places to sit so to stake out at least two entry and exit points at the same time.

Two hundred and twenty I sleep OK, though the humid weather makes it difficult, but I suppose I get enough to avoid migraines, and am up and about at half five, ready for what the day will throw at us.

Or me.

Apart from work and chasing butterflies, the main task was to make some bread, halloumi and chipotle spiced bread to be exact. I had bought the halloumi for this purpose, but forgot it was there.

Pyronia tithonus So, as we were to have caprese for dinner, seemed a good idea.

And it came out well, too. The new recipe called for table spoons rather than teaspoons of spice, so this made it hotter and spicier, of course. And the lack of mixing when kneading gave the bread a marbling effect and a different mouthful experience every time.

Aricia agestis The weather was good too, though got windy in the afternoon, and so no walking done, just bake the bread at about four so it was all ready and cool enough to eat come half five.

Halloumi and chipotle spiced bread Dinner was excellent, and bread moreish, meaning we couldn't stop eating it.

The long three weeks since the end of the Euros is nearly over, and football restarts in two days.

Prepare to be bored.

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