Monday 9 September 2024

Where did all the money go?

So, it appears that the Conservative Government spent the entire financial year's budget in the first three months of the year, leaving the then incoming Labour Government with literally no money.

Tax cuts, unfunded. And 14 years of austerity.

Well, £38 billion was, apparently, spent by Dame Dido Harding on test and Trace, which never worked, and no one has ever seen any receipts for.

Then with the Government-caused PPE shortage, Johnson's Government set up a VIP Lane to scource equipment.

No other country in the world did this. Or, sourced equipment in a Gobal Pandemic in such a way.

28 contracts, worth £4.1 billion, were given to companies or persons with contact to the Conservative Party. And on top of this, according to reports: "The full extent of questionable Covid contracts is laid bare in a new report by TIUK which identifies 135 contracts worth a total of £15.3 billion that raised three or more “corruption red flags”, including conflicts of interest, opaque contracting and uncompetitive awards process."

And then theres Brexit, causing a reduction in GDP by between 4 and 8%, depending on the report, and growth that is lost, meaning no matter what happens now, growh and monies for that lost GDP are gone and gone forever, and losses will continue until the reasons, Brexit, are addressed.

Getting to the bottom of there Dido spent that money, and getting money back for sub-standard or non-existant PPE could recoup billions, billions that Labour instead is clawing back from frozen pensioners from the winter fuel allowance.

Running a country's economy is very different from that of a household budget, and anyone who tells you it is similar is either lying or an idiot. Governments can borrow, at very low rates, over huge lengths of time, if the borrowing funds growth and/or productivity, which will grow the economy. Cutting spending on the elderly or the Health Service is just a political choice, and it seems a choice in order to either placate or enrage the Daily Mail.

Odd for the Mail, Express, Torygraph, etc get so angry when pensioner's income is cut, shame then they remained not just silent, but cheered on cuts to benefits for the sick, disabled or single parents over the last 14 years. 30,000 additional deaths have been laid at the door of Tory Austerity through the last decade, before COVID did much the same.

The UK pays its pensioners and elderly the lowest pension in Western Europe, that is a political decision that both main parties have been happy about for decades. While other countries have pensions pinned to either minimum or living wage levels.

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