Friday 6 September 2024

Thursday 5th September 2024

In terms of photography, number of photographs and places visited, September has started very slowly.

And not much better than on Thursday when I didn't take an actual photograph at all, mainly because the main activity of the day took place before dawn, and by the time it was light, I was pretty much back home.

As for variety in snaps, don't worry, we are going away to Slough and Luton next week, so plenty of culture there for us all to soak up.

Jen's friend in Australia is very ill, and is nearing needing hospice care.


Mixed messages across the miles meant that Jen needed to get down to Brisbane to see her friend and see for herself.

Jen lived, worked and raised a family in Australia before moving back here at the end of the 80s.

She worked in various places, including Roadhouses and bars for miners. She's seen it all, and yet she's sweet and Jen too.

Anyway, she booked her flight Monday, after some help from me. Then I helped her check in online Tuesday so she was set, so Thursday we just needed to get her to Gatwick for her 09:00 flight, and that was also my job.

The alarm went off at 03:15, me trying to make sure we travelled in the sweet spot between motorway roadworks finishing and the rush hour starting.

A bold move.

I had time to get dressed, have a coffee and check traffic before Jen pulled up in her car. I went out, took the driving seat and we were off.

No sat nav needed, just up the M20, M25, M25 and down the M23 to the airport, should take a little under 90 minutes.

A ferry had just disgorged dozens of trucks, so we nipped past them up the A20 and onto the motorway as the rain began to fall.

And so, up the motorway through the rain and sheets of spray we went on, until I had to slow down to 50 to be safe.

Heading west on the M26, and all going well, even the roadworks where it joined the M25 was clear, and we joined with no issue. Through a dozen miles of roadworks and speed restrictions, before turning south for the short run to the airport, round two roundabouts to the North Terminal were it was a free for all for a parking space to drop Jen off.

Two hundred and forty nine I pointed out the the car behind that he needed to back up some, as the three inches he had given us when we pulled in wasn't enough for us to get to the boot.

That done, case out, give Jen a hug and I was off, while she went to find the check in desk and drop her case.

Back onto the motorway and north towards London, cruising between 50 and 60 due to the rain and because I wasn't in a hurry.

I was proven to be right with timings, as when I left the M25 and into Kent, there was 6 miles of traffic on the M26 waiting to get onto the 25.

And so, onto the final leg home, stopping off at the Shell garage for some Greggs for breakfast.

Back home for a brew and breakfast, before trying to get my head down for a while, but against all expectations got over three hours, waking just before midday.

I had actual breakfast before starting work, and logging on. Where the "highlight" was a meeting with HR and my boss.

Less said about that the better.

So that was the working day by four, I close up, and message Jools to pick up chips on her way home, which she does, meaning I just need to make brews, once she let me know she was back in the car with the chippy tea.

We were both shattered, so to bed at eight, when it was just about dark, and raining again outside.


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