Sunday 8 September 2024

Saturday 7th September 2024

It is autumn.

Or feels like it.

Woke up on Saturday to the sight of The Dip full of mist, and the newly risen sun, all on fire.

Eye of the storm I go to grab my phone to get a shot before I go down for coffee.

After coffee, we head to Tesco for supplies. Not much, we thought, as we are away to Slough and Milton Keynes later in the week on a cultural tour, but even still, came to £120.

Two hundred and fifty one Roads were quiet, meaning summer is over and schools are back.

Back home and unload, so Jools could head out back downtown to have a Herr Kutz, while I put the shopping away and make breakfast for when she comes home.

I have a shower, and get some stuff done, but it is to be a quiet day, until Jools comes back when we have breakfast with a fresh brew.

Its a cloudy day, but when the clouds clear it gets humid darn quick.

We had Gary and Julie coming round in the afternoon, so I make a whole batch of Norfolk Short Cakes, soon filling the kitchen with fine smells.

We had bought some mini-nibbles to munch as we talk, and once they arrive, we do talk, while admiring the three Elephant hawkmoth caterpillars feasting off the garden. One is huge, 50% larger than the others, and is almost golden in colour. I'm guessing its it's last instar and will soon pupate for the winter.

Deilephila elpenor But for now, it eats.

The weather now has the feel of rain, so they head home after just over two hours of chatting, so we can feed the cats an I take up position on the sofa for the England v Ireland game.

England romp to a 2-0 half time lead, then go quiet and never rediscover their form, but don't concede.

Supper was a three-cheese bake, with warmed and so crispy focaccia dipped in. And wine.

It was a fine end to a relaxing day.

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