Thursday 5 September 2024

Tuesday 3rd September 2024


Market Day in King's Lynn.

And audit report writing day.

I am of the opinion that if I keep busy I won't have to speak to my manager so much. That's the plan.

Two hundred and forty seven Although, that was made more difficult by us both sleeping through our alarms and me waking up at five past six.

I let Jools get up first, as she has to be out of the house in an hour. I can always blame "IT issues" on logging on late.

Deilephila elpenor And sometimes that's even the truth.

A cool, breezy day, interspersed by sunshine, so that it was either too cold for just a t shirt in the house, or too hot for a jumper.

Deilephila elpenor First world problems.

And in the sunny spells, warm enough to sit outside with Mulder and Scully as they soaked up the rays, and lapped up the attention.

Both now either paw at our hands or elbow if we stop stroking them too soon. Or in Mulder's case, just stop.

Whilst out I check on the Elephant Hawkmoth caterpillars, one seems to sleep during the day, while the other eats all day.

Deilephila elpenor I take more shots.

And then go back to work.

And so ended another working day.

I make courgette fritters for the first time in a month, and add some leftover sweet pepper and extra onion. They're ready just as Jools gets home, so I pour drinks and we go to eat.

Oddly, pooped after our late start in the morning, before we go to bed at eight, I put the moth trap out, so the shed looks like its got a rave going on behind it.

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