Monday 30 September 2024

Tory blues

As I said in July, it will be interesting to see what lessons the Conservative and Union Party learnt from their defeat in the General Election.

Since the defeat, there has been a leadership campaign for the party, and it now enters its final stretch, but somehow they messed up the timings and so the party conference happens before the final election, so the Leader over the conference, is Sunak.

Then there is Liz Truss stomping around like the brainless scarecrow she is, undermining party unity and demanding that true conservative policies cannot be encated until the Office for Budget Responsibility is disbanded. She sidetracked that department in her Government's minibudget/financial statement, and it was that that spooked the markets these free-marketers claim to represent.

And understand.

Meanwhile, Robert Jenrick is claiming that to stop the boats the UK needs to leave the UCHR, so playing the old hits, and he is just the man to lead the party and stop said boats, yet something he failed to do during the previous Government.

Kemi Badenoch said in an interview today that maternity pay is too high and when there was none the birth rate was higher. She then denied she said it, despite there being actual recordings of her saying it on Radio 4 this morning, and attacking journalists for reporting on what she actually said.

These policies, are now against public opnion, as in order to win the election to become leader, you have to appea to the elederly party membership, so promise them even harder, more right wing policies. Thus making them even less electable. Seeing Reform as as their main threat to power, rather than say, reality.

Meanwhile, Aleaxander Boris de Piffel Johnson has written a book, a memoir. Not the Shakespeare book he was writing instead of attending COBRA meetings in the run up to COVID, but in the first "exclusive" in the Mail, he said that he had considered invading Netherlands in 2020 to free a consignment of vaccine that the UK had paid for. This almost certainly is a figment of his immagination, but the thought of the UK Armed Forces conducting an operation in a fellow NATO member's borders is ludicrus.

He also said that when in hospital with COVID, he kept himself awake to make sure he wouldn't close his eyes and never wake up. ER nurses have laughed at this, as if you were that ill with COVID, there is no way that could happen.

And finally in todays installment, he back-handily admitted that he failed to read his red boxes regarding an accident on a British Navy aircraft carrier, whereas the late Queen did read them and so it was news to Johnson when the Queen quizzed him on the incident.

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