Monday 23 September 2024

Sunday 22nd September 2024

Our last day in Tuscany. Yes, all good things come to an end, though we will be taking our time to get back home with us not getting back to Dover until Friday.

So, it would appear we are all cultured out, we could go to Siena, but couldn't face the crowds to be honest. So, Jools had done some research and found a nature reserve, though we couldn't read the description, there were pictures of deer at least.

So after coffee and breakfast, and before it got too hot, we get off for the far side of Grossetto, but instead of going into the city, we went south, then into the hills, past acres of camping areas until we came to a cemetery.

The road just stopped at a wooden gate, we had seen a car park three KMs back, so wondered if we were even allowed to drive up here, let alone leave our car.

An elderly lady drove up to attend a grave, making us feel worse.

We looked beyond the gate, I chased a Swallowtail but it wouldn't settle, but got a shot of a Long Tailed Blue, before we turned round to the car and headed back to actual roads.

Two hundred and sixty six I checked the map, and there was another reserve another half hour south, so we program that in and set off.

Back to the autostrada that had identity issues, and kept switching back to single carriageway roads and back to a motorway.

Vulpes vulpes We took the exit, went under the railway by way of a narrow tunnel, and found ourselves at the end of another dead end road, but with a car park, so we paid €5, and set to explore.

Colias croceus The island, it seemed, was a flying boat base during the war, but all the buildings have been flattened, and amazing to look between the plants our feet to see tiles and brick floors, but no walls.

Avenue Butterfly pickings were slim, a few blues and a single Clouded Yellow, which I chased and got shots of.

And best of all, a fox cub was out exploring. I say a cub, more a teenager, but was at ease as we were within 10m of it, but it carried on looking for lizards and worms.

Abandoned sea plane base By now, it was midday, hot and we were hungry. We returned to the car, then back to the motorway and back to Roccastrada and the apartment.

We have a lot of food left, so I made a meaty ragu, cooked the second half of the spaghetti, and we shared the bottle of white wine we had left.

It was a mighty plateful, but tasty enough, and probably will do us for the rest of the day, with just cheese and crackers left.

On our last day I found I could listen to the football from Radio 5 on my mobile, so spent the afternoon listening to Citeh v Arse, which ended in a bad-tempered 2-2 draw.

Plenty for both managers to complain about, and they will.

So, now for packing and ready for the six hour drive back into France in the morning.

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