Tuesday 21 April 2020

Monday 20th April 2020

It is summer.

If is official.

From the bathroom window, we can see in the direction of the Dover Patrol Monument. It is obscured behind a mature tree, in the winter you can see through the leafless branches. But in Spring and through the end of October, the monument is hidden by the tree. At some point last week, the monument was lost to view.

It is, therefore, summer.

And it also was Monday.

The cats brought in at least two mice (other small mammals are also available), made a huge noise about it, then ate said rodents, crunching bones. Then got up on the bed to wash in a noisy and disruptive way, before curling up and going to sleep, purring.

Its good to be a cat.

It is also good to be us, if the worse thing I can say about the situation is that there are some orchids unphotographed by me.

We have our jobs. Our health. The cats. And each other.

We get up, and do our early morning thing. Jools makes coffee, does a session on the cross trainer and once dressed, goes out for a walk.

I do a session on the cross trainer too. And I can report that my i pod is deader than flares. Bugger. So, an alternative needs to be be found.

News as we get it.

Jools goes to work, I get dressed and set up the office.

And the good news is that we are all still well too, which is really good. And in Denmark things are starting to open; shops, schools, but no pubs.

One hundred and eleven And then, on to work. And another meeting.

And then work.

Outside, the wind did blow, but the sun also did shine, so it looked warm and springlike, but felt like February. But I didn't put the heating on. Instead I promised I would after my second work out.

That done, time for a shower, change and then one final check on the mails before packing up and planning on dinner: chicken and prawn stir fry. For which I refuse wine or beer and have orange squash instead.

This is because on Sunday I had beer, then two glasses of wine and then the two bottle of barley wine. A lot of booze.

So, none on Monday at least.

We have coffee in the evening, listen to some tunes, and are away to bed again at nine.

This is what a lack of football brings, early nights and early rises.

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