Sunday 5 April 2020

Thee pay checks

It is said that we are all just three pay checks away from being destitute and/or homeless.

We have been constantly told that we have to save for the lean times: save for a house, a car, a holiday, our retirement. And so on. And if we run out on money, generally, tough titty.

But it seems most businesses are in the same boat. Just no one ever though the national or global economy would grind to a halt like that. No one except the immunologists who most thought were wrong, especially as people had had enough of experts.

Though we don't talk about that any more.

So, airlines, cruise companies, premier league football clubs among others have a cash flow problem, and so are either asking the Government for help (bail outs) or take advantage of furlough schemes.

So, we are all susceptible to financial hard times, and it is always the State, or the taxpayer who has to step in to save all. Had we listened to the mysteriously financed Tax Payers Alliance, we would have already scrapped most of the taxes that will be used to support the shady backers that bankroll them. Maybe one of the few positive things will be that people will see the world in a new light; see value in the low paid, the hard workers, see that a large state has the flexibility to step in.

Also that making the NHS financially stressed means it is less able to react to emergencies on a national scale. But the people who for a decade have been trodden on, told there is no magic money tree, work regardless, putting their lives on the line every day. Because they care about us and their jobs.

There are rarely, if ever, simple solutions. And every policy has consequences, we all need to be made aware of what those are so we can make informed judgement if asked.

The very people who took part in a decade of austerity that failed in its stated intention of reducing the national debt but succeeded in redistributing wealth upwards, are those in charge now. Those who lied about the benefits of Brexit are also those in charge now. Those who perused a policy of herd immunity despite being told by the WHO that it was wrong, are still in charge.

They have been wrong more than they have been right. And have not been challenged. Only this time lives will be lost, are being lost, have been lost. Decisions made several weeks ago cannot be undone and time wasted will be forever lost.

Nothing about what we see in UK now was inevitable, but was thanks to decisions made between the start of the year and 14th March.

And they are still in charge.

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