Saturday 2 December 2023

Friday 1st December 2023


Aaaaand, relax.

After four evenings of going out for gigs and meals, and then four days in France, meant that it was all rather unusually hectic.

After my day off on Thursday, back in the jugg agane on Friday, once I had put the bins out.

And as a treat, I had five hours of back to back meetings from half seven, just time to do admin before the first meeting.

Three hundred and thirty five Therefore the day flew by, with barely a break in each meeting to grab a brew or something to eat.

The clock reached half one, and I was done. I have lots of work for next week, but after filling in my remaining time off, I have just 12 (twelve) working days left in the year.

The firsr day of winter Main event for the afternoon was an appointment with our financial advisor regarding our pensions and our plans to retire in August 2025.

Good news is that the markets are recovering from Trussenomics, and our money is expected to stretch an extra eight years.

Brrrrrrr Good news.

Very good news.

For dinner we had some of the cheese I bought in France. In fact we tried the runny one in a earthenware dish. Very, very nice.

Tripel And washed down by a bottle of the Aldi bargain beers bought two weeks back. Also very nice.

Fromage The aurora did show, but here in east Kent it was 100% cloud cover, so we didn't go out, so I watched the Friday night game, played at a very cold and frosty Preston, where QPR won, surprisingly, 2-0.

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