Saturday 24 February 2024

Friday 23rd February 2024

Makes a change from Blue Monday, I guess.

A full day at work, then off to the chiropractor for some phys on my knee.

Blue Friday As I went to put the bins out, the cloud formations over northern France caught my eye.

It is now pretty much light by seven, so I can check the flower beds before work, and I found the top of two imperialis spikes having just broken ground and beside the back door, Pasqueflowers have put up spikes too, and will flower before their leaves emerge.

Fifty four But back inside for work, and another meeting where auditors talk about audits.

These are never ending and go round in circles, with what was agreed last round now having to be re-discussed. And so my mind wanders as I stare out of the window.

At half one, I present my final audit report I had been working on all week, then switch off because Jools had come back from work, and it was time for me to drive down the hill for phys.

Pulsatilla vulgaris I thought my knee was getting better, but he knew where and how much to press on my inflamed tendons to reveal how bad things still are. Thirty minutes of what amounts to torture, of which I pay fifty quid for the pleasure of, then back up the hill to home to apply ice packs and take more drugs.

Good news was that I wasn't limping.

I had no inspiration for cooking, so Jools went to the Chinese, while i stayed home and took part in the quiz, which i was useless at, as my knowledge of Led Zeppelin LPs is somewhat lacking.

Oh well.

And then the big game of the weekend, Leeds v Leicester, the top two in the Championship, and an entertaining game it was too, with Leeds running out 3-1 winners somehow.

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