Friday 9 February 2024

Thursday 8th February 2024

Just after six on Wednesday, the volcano near to the Blue Lagoon thermal pool erupted with lava blocking the road to the resort.

This is where we were to have stayed over the last four days of our stay, at the nearby Northern Lights Hotel, with the November eruption, the area closed so we stayed in the city all six nights in the end.

But we could also have still gone to the Blue Lagoon which reopened a couple of weeks back and I suggested this to Jools on Monday. And now the road is blocked the area threatened.

As we took off and flew over Iceland, I looked for evidence of activity, and saw none.

Back here in England, Jools went back to work, got a lift with Sean from town, so I dropped her off on the prom. The weather was foul, as it was all day: heavy rain and gusty winds.

I drove back to have a second brew, then went to Tesco for supplies before collecting the cats from Whitfield.

They had been good, and were reasonably pleased to see me.

So I thought.

We drove back, and in letting the cats from their baskets, I thought I would try to give Poppy a hug. She turned in a hissing scratching ball of black fury and ripped both my hands.

Thirty nine Nice.

She did settle down and let me stroke her more later in the day.

The other cats were less angry, but took several hours to get used to being home.

In, out. In, out.



Until by early afternoon they settled down in their respective favourite places and went to sleep.

Outside, the rain fell heavier.

But was mild, at least.

And in the afternoon, I went down the hill to the clinic to have my knee assessed.

I have torn a cartilage, and done it good and proper. However, most of what I have been doing is right, but there is much more to be done.

Amazing how once the guy knows what's wrong he can put is finger on the the tenderest part and then ask, does this hurt.

Och that hurts tae fuck, man.

I drove home to rest and nurse my throbbing knee, before going out at quarter to five to pick up Jools from town.

Finally, back home to warm some ragu up, cook pasta and open a new bottle of wine.


And in the evening, no football to watch, so to bed at eight to catch up on some zeds.

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