Friday 23 February 2024

Thursday 22nd February 2024

So, late yesterday afternoon as the light was fading, I went into the garden where I heard a strange noise.

I followed the noise to our small wildlife pond where three common frogs were engaged in wrestling, or an orgy, with one of the frogs croaking at a loud volume, causing the surface of the pond to vibrate in time.

Fifty three I saw them swim out to the middle of the pond, where I took two shots with my phone, before I was spotted and the amphibious lump swam back under cover.

Other than that, a normal Thursday.

My knee continues to improve, meaning I sleep better most of the time too.

Which is nice.

I would have gone for a walk, if it wasn't for my knee and the unexpected rain. So, instead, I worked.

A two hour meeting where auditors talk about audits and the audit process. Yes, that wasn't the highlight, but took most of the morning.

As you can tell, this was a day during which very little happened, and I struggled to get a shot of the day until I saw the frogs, but then how to describe a day which was pretty much the same as the three preceding it?

It also came to pass that I wrote my 7,000th blog post. I have been writing them since 2006, and since 2008 on the current site. I had a good idea but it petered out, but here's to the next thousand!

And that was Thursday. A day nearer the weekend than Wednesday.

Sums it up.

1 comment:

nztony said...

Congratulation on 7000 blog posts - I can't claim to have read every single one, but I've read a few.