Tuesday 27 February 2024

Monday 26th February 2024

Back to work.

And with a bad day with my knee, there was no going out for me, so begins the daily stress that is finding a subject for the picture of the day.

Fifty seven Jools got an amaryllis for Christmas, it came with a pot and dehydrated soil: just add water.

And so two months later the bulb produced a spike with two, and soon to be three flowers.

And back to work, now with less than 18 months left at the coalface.

Main task of the day was travel expenses. A task always worse in the expectation than in reality, though it does apparently require a working knowledge of tax rates in all countries you might be travelling in.

I take shots of receipts, post them to the reporting tool and click "submit".

It'll get rejected. Probably more than once, but the worst is done.

Then there is the updating of audit reports and outstanding actions, a task I had given myself several hours to do.

I was done in half an hour.

And so the next thing was planning.

And so the day passed quickly, with me, coming close to earning my crust this day.

Which is nice.

The cats slept through most of it, but Poppy has learned standing on the table behind the laptop will get attention and probably some food too.

She's probably right too.

Jools was going to aquafit again in the evening, so no dinner to cook, though once she had left I defrosted a pot of jambalaya and finish off a bottle of wine which had just a glass of the red stuff in it.

Truth be told, I was tired. The knee had kept me awake the night before, and I was cold, could not stp yawning, so once Jools came back, despite there being two games on the tellybox, we went to bed.

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