Friday 13 October 2017

A Poundland Churchill

On Tuesday, the Foreign Secretary made his conference speech, and it would have been good in its calls and statements of unity, if he himself had not had self-penned articles in the press these past three weekends on his own vision of Brexit and what those red lines should be.

That he has the brass kahunas to do this tells you much about the kind of person he is. Some have said, that it was a very public pitch to be the next Tory leader if May’s speech did not go down well. It seems in case May does not last the week, month or year, the replacement will be either Johnson or Reese-Mogg; and that is the state of the Conservatives, two ex-public schoolboys, both born into untold wealth, happy to tell the plebs what they want. I mean it worked with Brexit.

If May goes, whoever takes over will have to deal with the two wings of the party that will never meet in the middle and will rip itself apart whichever way their leader decides to take them regarding Brexit. Johnson then rounded the day off by making a very off-colour “joke” about Libya, which in normal times would have resulted in his sacking. But then he has committed a sackable offence most days it seems, and still he’s there.

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