Friday 27 October 2017

Thursday 26th October 2017

I woke when the heating came on at quarter to seven. I had less than 5 hours sleep and I guess looked like it too, if I'd have made it to a mirror.

Poor Jools has to drive to Hythe, so I am up first, feeding the cats, making coffee and making breakfast. It seems to work, and she is all ready to leave at half seven, and me to get the laptop out and log on for a meeting at eight. Just a well I have blocked the webcam up, as I was still in my dressing gown at nine.

At nine the meeting finishes, I go upstairs to have a shower then get dressed. I come back down, make more coffee and have breakfast. And in an hour I feel like its lunchtime, so I make sandwiches and another brew.

There is work to be done, mails to be answered, documents to be reviewed, then a three and a half hour webinar to sit through. On Sharepoint. I won't spare you the details, but it seems my work laptop was very upset as it kept disconnecting from the feed, freezing on Outlook, and so on.

Two hundred and ninety nine At half three I had given up as it froze and disconnected from the webinar, the last thing I heard was, you don't need to know this but....

I don't need this pressure on either.

I slump on the sofa whilst Molly gently snores beside me. I should be a cat I think.

I make boiled chicken with smoked bacon and rice for dinner. And it is wonderful, naturally, of course. We both have booze with it, as our days had both been mad.

And that is it. Jools went to see Jen and Sylv, I stay home and nurse a headache and what was left of my backache. And in that way the evening fades and is soon time for bed, at least once Jools comes back from Whitfield.

Through the week, despite the backache, I have sorted out the lawn, and sowed a second crop of Yellow Rattle, and where last year's was, a whole load of wildflower seed. Might not work, but will be interesting if nothing else.

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